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I Write in Pencil

I envy poets who write in ink

with broad-nibbed pens

in large letters, like a jazz trumpeter

who lifts his horn to his lips

and blows notes he can never call back.

Ink's so audacious,

so tyrannical, so permanent

even crossed out,

a presence on the page,

a blot cluttering my mind

with words already rejected.

I'm comforted by my #2 pencil

with its forgiving pink eraser.

Maybe it's the faintness of lead,

whispering words down on paper,

the noiseless rubbing them out,

trying another way

until I find a resonance

of thought and sound

of that flash of vision I had.

It's like muttering under my breath,

as I stumble through thickets of thought,

and when finally ready,

clearing my throat

to say it aloud.

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