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Observing Mary Oliver Observing

I saw through the early morning haze

the poet huddled on the pier,

head bowed in meditation.

I guessed she waited

for her muse.

I looked for sunlight

to beam upon her head

or eerie breezes to coil

her hair around.

I watched.

She peered out at the lake,

raised a notebook from her lap

and wrote things down,

scratched things out.

and then she raised

binoculars to her eyes,

directing them at the far shore

where long blue herons

appeared among tall dark grasses.

Then I heard frogs

thing like loose guitar strings

and saw brown ducks

floating among lily pads

and insects making shallow wakes

on the surface of the lake.

And then I saw how she wove

each finely wrought strand

into enchanted baskets to hold

the unfolding of a crocus

or the mystery of all eternity,

and how sometimes it is hard

to tell the difference.

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